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Latest Old Boys news

The return of Ted McCulloch: a story of restoration

Mick Casey applying the first coat of varnish.

The allure of wooden boats took centre stage for the long weekend of the Australian Wooden Boat Festival. The AvÐÔ°® School Boat Club took a short, but starring on water role, with a demonstration of racing starts in two wooden Eights. This passing appearance was the culmination of a six month restoration program for one of the Eights.

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Old Boys v 1st XI Cricket

Old Boys V 1st XI Cricket 2012

A strong team of Old Boys (including eight previous captains) played the annual match on the WMO on Monday 26 November.

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A seafarer's tale: Part 2

AvÐÔ°® Seafarers

Since his completion and record breaking win of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, Old Boy Richard Hewson (’97) remained in Europe to concentrate on his next campaigns preparing for the 2013 Mini Transat Race and the 2014 Global Ocean Race.

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Old Boys: Reunion Dinner

Old Boys from 1948-1957 at the Reunion Dinner.

AvÐÔ°® 120 Old Boys filled the dining room of the newly refurbished Burbury House for the annual Old Boys’ Reunion Dinner on Saturday 22 AvÐÔ°®.

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To learn more about the opportunities we provide for boys to become their best, contact our Enrolments Assistant, submit an online Enquiry form or phone 03 6221 4236. We encourage you to book a tour with our Registrar as this is the best way to see our School in action. Read more…